Year 15
SYT has discovered the Sartinainyan system in Braxant sextor.
We have claimed the planet Bastion as our headquarters and home.
There also is a public T1 and T2 at
System: Sartinaynian (-62, 407)
System Position: (10, 15) (13, 10)
Day 83, year 14
Recent events saw to it that SYT can now do more then just transport!
We now can build and manage trade related facilities like T1, T2 Commerce Centre and Casino.
Soon we'll open our first public T2 in Kanz.
System: Lorrd (99, 357)
System Position: (1, 18)
Day 240, year 13
Today marks a breakthrough in lighthearted negotiations between SYT and several other transport groups.
We consider ourselves officially aligned with Deadman Lines, led by Tik Nik.
We also consider NFG's like Xpert Transport, Hans Miller Transport, Riddick Enterprizes and Kaja Putra as friendly.
Of course we're all business and as such competitors.
Still that doesn't exclude mutually helping eachother out when we can.
In this we fullfill the great vision of Sheng-ji Yang who dreamt of a galaxy wide spanning co-operation of
transporters, be it freelance or faction, all to better serve the public!
Day 168, year 13
Like many groups, SYT is on the lookout for a place to call home.
Therefore our pilots actively scout uncharted territory when they get the chance.
If you or your group have room for us building a branch office and some income related buildings,
please call. We're as neutral as they come. Any arrangement should be mutualy beneficial.
Day 160, year 13
After much deliberation SYT has raised prices. A bit.
With an all new fleet of mainly Carriers we are now faster and more flexible.
Day 15, year 13
SYT will temporarily slow down shiptransports in order to get rid of our backlog.
We do this to keep up our level of service to the public.
We ask your understanding for this.
Day 360, year 12
Almost years end again and into SYT's fourth year as a faction.
Next year brings more ships to move your loads.
Two brand new YV-666 are being constructed for us and pilot training has started.
From day 1, year 13 our prices will be adjusted.
They can be found on our pricing page
Day 304, year 12
Today marks the beginning of a new era as the galaxy as we knew it shifted.
As great as that may be, it means lots of extra work for your favorite transport faction and we ask your patience when dealing with us.
Day 134, year 12
Another freighter added to the fleet.
This time an Action IV ready for RM and vehicle transport!
To all you pilots out there, if you're looking to get out there, call us and we'll have a cockpit for you!
Day 72, year 12
Today SYT issued two new freighters of the Simiyiar Class.
These lovely curved ships will help your needs greatly!
Day 340, year 11
The year is nearing its end again and upon evaluation SYT has some changes to be made.
Starting at day 1, year 12
SYT will implement a new price range.
So take advantage of todays prices while they last!
Day 186, year 11
with great sadness we anounce the death of SYT leader Harnil Mantell.
Starting out as errant pilot he worked his way up to the top.
Choosing to lead from the front he always kept flying missions.
Juggling deskwork and navi computer coordinates he made his first and last error.
His Bayonet Cruiser 'Gilded Horn' aborted into the Meris sun.
"Just a quick stop in Elrood and I'll be home" were the last words his son would hear from him.
We feel for the family and will support Nordin in every way we can
Day141, year 11
Today, SYT opened a new forum.
Go here:
Day 74, year 11
As of today SYT Transport suspends services.
Due to ever growing backlog we must clear out .
We hope to be of full service again soon!
Day 41, year 11
SYT raises its prices to meet ever growing operations costs this year.
The new price range, as found on our pricing page will take effect from day 61.
Day 14, year 11
Today, SYT went public against the Eidola Government concerning their threats to Transport business galaxy-wide.
While being met with scepticism from some, a lot of sentients expressed their support and we are grateful for that.
SYT keeps striving to be 'the peoples' transporter.
Catering to everybody, from poor individuals to rich multinationals.
Day 354, year 10
From now on, SYT will have to implement safety measures.
This includes scanning clients ships and facilities before we let our personell enter or otherwise make use of it.
When lifeforms are detected you will be contacted to make sure there are no traps or whatever before continuing your order.
We apologise for any delay that may cause but it's the sad consequence of a galaxy that can't be trusted.
Still we want to keep our creed, 'first time customer, second time friend!'
It all depends on YOU out there...
Day 333, year 10
Another black day for SYT.
Our faction leader, T`arn Fetherim was arrested and killed by the notorious Eidolan Twenty Vigar.
Posing for over a year as a good client, Vigar managed to lull the unfortunate Chadra'Fan into a false sense of trust.
For the time being, Harnil Mantell has reluctantly agreed to fill the position.
Be careful sentients. It could happen to you...
day 224, year 10
This is another sad day for SYT.
One of our veteran pilots, Asehi Bradshaw, died while navigating an uncharted asteroid field.
His last transmission was:
"I'm almost there... I can see clear space right ahead, all is well... Bradshaw out"
After that, nothing but static.
So you see, dear sentients, piloting isn't to be taken lightly.
It takes a special breed to be a spacetruck driving man (or woman)
if you're ready to face the risks, come fly with us.
day 175, year 10
Currently, SYT-Transport is recruiting pilots!
We don't offer competitive wages. Yet.
We do offer a lively group of individuals who like to work together to get a job done well.
One of our main goals is a maintaining high customer service level.
Having fun is the first runner up!
If you're intrested, go to our forum page and sign up or send either of the senior staff a DM.
Sadly, on day 25 of year 10, it has been anounced that Sheng-ji Yang, co-founder of SYT-LLC,
died in an accident.
An investigation about why his spacecraft flew into a sun is pending.